Monday, December 1, 2008

What we did

{ this weekend }

We spent Thanksgiving weekend with Brent's family.  This year was the year Amy (my sister-in-law) and I  were committed to Black Friday.  Usually we get up and eventually make our way out shopping mid-morning and hit maybe 1-2 stores.  Not this year!  Alarm went off at 3am (we were up before the alarm even sounded???) and were in the car at 3:25 am headed for Kohl's.  I am not a shopper, unless we are talking electronics or scrapbooking....that is a different story.  But, on this day I was among the serious folks.  We hit kohl's, Walmart, Target, Michael's, Hobby Lobby, JC Penny, Gap, Old Navy, Children's Place and Toys-R-Us.  There was nothing either of us "needed" only looking for some great deals if we came across them.  Some stores we came out with more bags than we could carry and others, nothing at all. 

After 12 hours, 1 full minivan and lots of laughs, we were done.  I had a blast and got some great deals along the way. 

Today, we (the boys and I) headed home.  Brent is bonding with nature for the next week (hunting) with his brother.   The boys and I enjoyed making our first batch of Christmas cookies.  I rolled out the dough and they did all the rest.  They took lots of time getting everything just right.  I think they would have decorated a million if I would have let them.  We read some Christmas stories and off to bed they went. 


I have a million things to get done this week.  ~please let me be productive this week~ 

On my list for tomorrow- wash Libby, laundry, unpack and put away, empty dishwasher, post office, vacuum, sweep and mop, more laundry, pick up and craft after boys bedtime.  We'll see....



Jenn White Topliff said...

I am enjoying your blog immensely. Instead of attacking my to-do list (which reads a lot like yours!) I've immersed myself in your life and it puts a huge smile on my face. I just want you to know that.

My favorite thing you wrote about was what your mom said about "art" ["It is their art" I think the way a 4 year old see's things is much better anyway.] because I feel similarly!

Debb, keep it up. This is intensely enjoyable and regardless of whether or not you are the worse "keep-in-touch-er-er EVER" we get to keep in touch with you.

I myself have started blogging - last night was my first one - but it's not posted yet because I have to have my web guy make it clickable on my website. As soon as it's live, I'll let you know... that way, if we don't talk for another 8 mos, we'll still be in the loop!!

I adore you - SERIOUSLY!

The Magonigal Family said...

Hey Deb- cute clowns for halloween. Sounds like you had a great shopping trip- mine was a little productive but not as good as yours. check out my blog