Friday, April 24, 2009


{And it was so easy}

Two words = BALANCE BIKE

I am a true believer in the balance bike.  I don't know why I didn't think of it.  If you are wondering what a balance bike is, Click here


This is Mitchell and his friend Blake on their balance bikes going a million miles an hour down our neighbors driveway.  That's safe, right?

Mitchell was the first to give his 2 wheel bike a try.  Brent held the back of his seat....and off he went.  It was that simple.  IMG_7387 IMG_7403


 Davis waited a few days before he decided he was ready.  Same thing...we held the back of the seat and off he went.  That simple.

IMG_7429 IMG_7437


We bought bikes for the boys two Christmas' ago and they didn't ride them as much as I thought they would.  Davis and Mitchell are outside boys...they love the outside so much that I have used it as punishment.  Time out inside is pure torture for them.  Anyway, I got wind of this thing called a balance bike and knew that we had to get two.  I read that people had their 2 year olds riding two wheel bikes after they got them a balance bike.  I went bargain shopping and found someone on eBay that made knock-offs for about $25 each.  All I can say, is that I wish I had found out about these long ago.  I would recommend them to anyone.  Teaching a child the art of balance is the key to learning to ride a bike.  Training wheels are simply counterproductive and make learning to ride a bike harder.  Well, I can say for sure that the boys had an easy time learning to ride a bike.  They got on and rode it. 

1 comment:

Pam Barnhill said...

So cool! If you don't want to haul these to Colorado I would be interested in making a purchase.