Friday, October 31, 2008

Picking the perfect pumpkin

We have a great little place called Aplin Farms where we go every year to hand pick our pumpkins. We open the back of the car and the boys and I hop in the back with our feet dangling and the hatch wide open as Brent drives us down these little dirt roads to the pumpkin patch. The boys might be have been just as excited to ride in the back of the car with our feet dangling as they were about picking out our pumpkins. We spend a good amount of time picking out just the perfect one. This year, the boys picked about 8....and were shocked to find out that they all were not coming home with us. We had to line them up, discuss the positive and negative qualities about each of them. 3 made it home with us.


Davis, moving some of the "perfect" pumpkins to our pile.


Mitchell...doing the same.


I love to see them help each other.


Final decision.

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