Saturday, November 1, 2008

The way we see it.

I always think about what my Mom taught me,  "It is their art"  I think the way a 4 year old see's things is much better anyway.

You may have in your mind what a Jack-O-Lantern looks like.  I guarantee you didn't think they could look like this....and I think they are the best looking Jack-O-Lanterns I have ever seen.


This one is Davis'.  I know that it is obvious.... but this one is complete with eyes, top hat and teeth.  It is just as Davis saw it.


Mitchell, he had a vision.  I'm not sure I can explain it, but isn't it great.

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Davis had a blast.  He loved taking the top off to see how many seeds were inside.  He made faces and giggled the entire time.





IMG_0338_resize IMG_0378_resize Watching Mitchell with a knife....a little scary.  Watching him draw his Jack-O Lantern's  face...Wonderful.  We told him draw whatever you want and Dad will cut it out for you. 

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